Ethereum: Move money/address from watch only wallet

Moving of money and addresses from the clock only with a portfolio in Mainnet

I am new to Bitcoin. I recently received Bitcoin from a poker site, using a reception address that I created in Bitcoin Core. When I realized that synchronization requires eternity, I decided that it was time to take the next step and move my money and direct from a clock only to the portfolio to Mainet.

When I entered Bitcoin for the first time, I used a wallet only by vigilance, which is essentially only a pseudonym address without funds or associated properties of the underlying blockchain. This allowed me to receive Bitcoin without having to worry about managing and keeping my coins.

However, when I started using the Bitcoin network more regularly, I realized that synchronize my wallet with the main one may require eternity due to the lenses synchronization times of the Bitcoin Core client. My poker site was using a reception address created in Bitcoin Core, which meant that I had no control on how the funds were used or transferred.

The problem with watches only wallets

The vigilance portfolios are convenient to receive bitcoins and not manage your coins, but have serious limitations. In the wallets of supervisory only, you do not have direct access to your funds and all the transactions that carried out must be carried out through a third party exchange or a transfer service. This means that you are essentially paying the commissions to the exchange or the transfer service every time it protects.

The solution: move to a main portfolio

To move my bitcoins from a portfolio of only supervisory to Mainnet, I needed a way to have direct control over my funds and be able to transfer them regardless of any exchanges or transfers. This is where a main wallet comes into play.

A main wallet allows you to create an address that is linked directly to your Bitcoin account, giving you full property and control of your coins. With a Mainnet portfolio, I can use the same reception address to send money to other users on the network without having to pay commissions or worry about third -party intermediaries.

Advantages of using a main portfolio

The use of a main portfolio offers several advantages, including:

* Fast transaction times : since I don’t pay the commissions or transfer my coins through an exchange or transfer service, transactions can be made much faster.

* Direct property and control : with a main wallet, I have direct access to my funds and I can make changes to them as needed.

* No task : no more paying commissions for transfers or exchanges, which can save me a significant amount of money over time.

Start with a main portfolio

If you are new to Bitcoin like me, starting with a main wallet is easier than ever. Here are the steps I made:

  • Get a Bitcoin Core client

    Ethereum: Move money/address from watch only wallet

    : Download and install the latest version of Bitcoin Core on your computer.

  • Create a new portfolio : Go to [ and follow the instructions to create a new wallet.

  • Set the reception address : Create a new account in the Bitcoin Core client, then set a reception address directly on your account.

  • Transfer funds : use the reception address created to send money to other users on the network.

With these steps, I was able to move my bitcoins from a wallet of only supervision on a Mainet portfolio and enjoy faster transaction times, direct property and control and no commission!

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